Financial Assistance Policy

HMB Soccer Club maintains a Financial Assistance fund to support players who may need financial aid due to low income or financial hardship. Financial Assistance is awarded based on financial need using the current San Mateo County Income Limits Guidelines.

Financial Aid applications are due at the same time as Registration deadline.

To be eligible for financial assistance, all applicants agree to participate in team practices, games, and all other team activities. Players must maintain good academic standing throughout the season and good conduct on and off the field. Players and families are expected to give back to their community and should be available to assist with volunteer duties as necessary.

Parents are expected to complete 10 hours in the HMBSC Shack Shack, or other pre-approved and documented community service, for each player receiving financial assistance each season.

All Financial Aid applicants must fill out the Financial Assistance Application form completely and provide all supporting documentation*. Each applicant is required to submit the following:

  1. 2 consecutive pay stubs from each employer of each parent whether they live with the player or not.
  2. If paystubs are not available, then a letter from the employer must be submitted with the name of the company and the amount earned over 3 consecutive pay periods.

* Financial Aid requests that do not have all of the above forms attached will not be considered.

All data submitted is confidential and is only available to the Financial Assistance Committee, HMBSC Treasurer and used solely to determine eligibility for financial assistance. Information will be retained for a year and then destroyed as policy. New applications must be submitted every season to be considered for financial assistance.